A few things, firstly my eyes are a little sore, but even after a couple of days my vision is as good as it was with contact lenses!!
Anyway.... a couple of IAG bits to cover:
1) An evaluation that needed to be scoped! Some interesting bits as they want to look at: RSA (ACE), Celestix HOTPin, KCD and Windows 2003 AD authentication, with OWA, Sharepoint, File Access and Citrix (Web & client based). I'm confident with all the components, except for the KCD. Anyone who has ever worked with KCD, will not it's not always straight forward! Research will happen next week, so we'll see from there.
2) Pre-sales call, where we needed to be able to publish Terminal Server and use Swivel as the authentication method. IAG can either "pop" the RDP client and create a secure tunnel to connect the client to the Terminal Server, or to connect to TSWeb, which will then connect to the terminal server. It's not like AEP Netilla, which will start up a Java RDP client, which will allow any machine with Java to be able to connect to a Terminal Server. As for Swivel, I know a number of IAG/Whale Communication partners that use Swivel as the authentication method, but not something I've used. If it's based on RADIUS, then the only thing that the customer will need to investigate is how to ensure the webpages are displayed correctly.
A few things to look up to learn a bit more, so KCD and Swivel research!!
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