Friday 26 July 2013

UAG SP3 install fails and rollsback...

On site again this week, with another UAG installation, but this one offered something different as we were creating a gateway for mobile devices.

We encountered some issues installing service packs on the Celestix WSA UAG appliance.

As my previous post shows how to install SP2 and SP3, I had a failed install of SP2 this week.  The issue was not permissions, but failed after 10 minutes, after which the service pack would roll back.  A bit of a search brought up this Microsoft article:

I followed Method 1, which meant opening Notepad as an Administrator, then editing the following file:

I added the following text, just before the </configuration> tag near the end of the file:
<machineSettings maxTimeout="01:00:00" />
This effectively increases the timeout from 10 minutes to 1 hour, which resolved the issue for us.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Service Packs on UAG...

In the past I've never encountered issues service packing the UAG software running on Celestix WSA appliances.  Recently I had a situation on site where the service packs would not apply by simply double clicking them, and after a bit of trial and error found the optimum way to get these installed.

I was using a Celestix WSA appliance, with build, which runs UAG 2010 SP1 Update 1.

I downloaded all the Windows and Celestix updates for the appliance, as well as TMG SP2, UAG SP2 and UAG SP3.

I found the best way to install the updates were as follows:
  • Run through the UAG quick start to get UAG online, but there is no need to create a portal (assuming this is a new install)
  • Apply the Windows updates and Celestix updates, then reboot
  • Apply TMG SP2, then reboot
  • Double clicking on UAG SP2 or SP3 will not install correctly, so follow the procedure in the point below.
  • Open up the Command Prompt as Administrator, then while holding down the shift key, right click on the UAG SP2 file, and select "Copy as path".  Right click on the command screen and paste this link in, then run it.  Follow the instructions to install UAG SP2 and reboot.
  • Open up UAG and check that the version number has changed from 4.0.1xxx.xxxxx to 4.0.2095.10000, then activate the UAG configuration.
  • Open up the Command Prompt as Administrator, then while holding down the shift key, right click on the UAG SP3 file, and select "Copy as path".  Right click on the command screen and paste this link in, then run it.  Follow the instructions to install UAG SP3 and reboot.
  • Open up UAG and check that the version number has changed from 4.0.2095.10000 to 4.0.3123.10000, then activate the UAG configuration.
You now have a UAG appliance up to service pack 3 ready for your portal.