Wednesday 21 August 2013

Importing UAG applications to another server

Today, I had to build two additional UAG servers with the same applications as the original one I deployed.  I used the following procedure to achieve this:
  1. On the original UAG server, export the configuration and give it a password.
  2. Configure the new UAG server with the appropriate networking information, including LAN and WAN IP details, static routes on the server, ensure the networking is reflected in TMG.
  3. Patched up the new UAG server to the same level as the original server.
  4. Import the configuration to the new UAG server.
  5. Activate the configuration.
  6. Change the hostname on the truck (and remember to change the hostname on OWA, if you are using this feature)
  7. Ensure the right certificate is in the certificate store and associated with the trunk.
  8. SSL Network Tunnelling IP addresses will need to be added, if you are using this feature.
  9. Check the AD authentication service account password (and secret keys for RADIUS authentications, if being used) as these were removed from one restore, but not the other!
Hope that helps, if you have to do the same.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

UAG File Access Script Errors Post SP3...

Today, I was looking at UAG SP3 installation, where we were configuring OWA, CRM and SharePoint.

We encountered an issue with File Access, it was working prior to SP3, but since SP3, when you try to access the console, we were getting the following script error:

A bit of Googling, brought up this blog article that I know solved the issue with other UAG users: but it didn't resolve my issue.

I ended up doing the following to get it to work:
  • In the UAG Management Console, remove File Access from the UAG application list
  • Activated the UAG configuration without File Access
  • Rebooted the server
  • Installed UAG SP3 Rollup 1 (following this previous blog article:
  • Activate the UAG configuration
  • Reboot the server
  • In the UAG Management Console, on the toolbar click on "Admin", then "File Access..."
  • When prompted if you want to enable NETBIOS, agree to this
  • Log into the File Access console using your NETBIOS domain administrator credentials
  • I can now browse the File Access structure without the script error